New American Scenery

part funded by an Alturas Foundation Artist Award

Scott’s Cumbrian Blue(s), New American Scenery, Souvenir of Philadelphia.  Altered Rowland and Marsellus souvenir plate (c. 1920), collection of the Alturas Foundation. Paul Scott 2013.

Documentary and artistic research into historical archives of transferware, prints and related material in museums and other locations in the USA and UK.

The project involves print, collage and the reanimation of historical transferwares in the development of a significant new body of Cumbrian Blue(s) artwork for exhibition in 2019. In New American Scenery Scott will offer a unique perspective on America’s contemporary cultural, ecological and political landscapes. Artwork will be created using historical pearl and transfer wares, collage, installation and print. There will also be a limited edition artist book.

Cumbrian Blue(s) Instagram images linked with New American Scenery research.