Cookworthy, Dillwyn and Cow Creamers

Cookworthy, Body Sherds and Plymouth Rock,  Alkalon, Pountney and St Vincent’s Rock(s) Ladies of Llangollen, Dillwyn and Cow Creamers Toxteth Park, Herculaneum, and Liver Birds. Work part of commission for Contemporary Art Society and a consortium of four museums. This box is Plymouth Museums and Art Gallery. Paul Scott, 2014.
Cookworthy, Body Sherds and Plymouth Rock
Alkalon, Pountney and St Vincent’s Rock(s)
Ladies of Llangollen, Dillwyn and Cow Creamers
Toxteth Park, Herculaneum, and Liver Birds

Work part of commission for Contemporary Art Society and a consortium of four museums. This box is Plymouth Museums and Art Gallery. Paul Scott, 2014. Cookworthy, Body Sherds
and Plymouth Rock,
Plymouth Museums and Art Gallery

Alkalon, Pountney and St Vincent’s Rock(s). Collage. Work part of commission for Contemporary Art Society and a consortium of four museums. This box is Bristol Museum and Art Gallery. Paul Scott, 2014. Alkalon, Pountney
and St Vincent’s Rock(s),
Bristol Museum and Art Gallery

Ladies of Llangollen, Dillwyn and Cow Creamers. Work part of commission for Contemporary Art Society and a consortium of four museums. This box is National Museum of Wales, Cardiff. Paul Scott, 2014. Ladies of Llangollen, Dillwyn
and Cow Creamers,
National Museum of Wales

Toxteth Park, Herculaneum, and Liver Birds. Work part of commission for Contemporary Art Society and a consortium of four museums. This box is National Museums Liverpool . Paul Scott, 2014. Toxteth Park, Herculaneum
and Liver Birds,
National Museums Liverpool

Work part of commission for Contemporary Art Society
and a consortium of four museums
Paul Scott 2014